The cost of angioplasty in Noida varies depending on factors such as the hospital, the doctor's fees, and the type of procedure required. On average, it can range from Rs. 60,000 to Rs. 90,000. However, it is essential to note that additional expenses such as diagnostic tests, medicines, and post-operative care are not included in this cost. Checking with your insurance provider is advisable as they may cover angioplasty, reducing out-of-pocket expenses.



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Angioplasty Cost in Noida

Starting Cost

₹ 60,000

Average Cost

₹ 75,000

Maximum Cost

₹ 90,000


Average Cost of Angioplasty

The average cost for angioplasty in Noida ranges from Rs. Rs. 60,000 to Rs. 90,000, depending on several factors such as the hospital, the doctor's fees, and the type of procedure required. However, it is important to note that this cost may not include additional expenses such as diagnostic tests, medicines, and post-operative care. So, we advise you to discuss all expenses related to the procedure with your doctor and hospital beforehand and check with your insurance provider if they cover the procedure to avoid any unexpected expenses.

Factors Affecting Angioplasty Cost

Angioplasty is a medical procedure that opens narrowed or blocked blood vessels, and its cost can vary depending on several factors. Some of the factors that can affect the cost of angioplasty in Noida are as follows:


Type of procedure

The cost of angioplasty can vary depending on the type of procedure required. Balloon angioplasty, laser angioplasty, and drug-eluting stent angioplasty are some of the commonly used types of angioplasty procedures.



The cost can also vary depending on the hospital where the procedure is performed. Different hospitals may charge different fees for the same procedure.


Doctor's fees

The fees charged by the doctor performing the angioplasty procedure can also impact the overall cost.



Angioplasty costs can vary depending on the location of the hospital in Noida. Choose Felix Hospital for getting the most affordable angioplasty surgery cost.


Diagnostic tests

Additional diagnostic tests may be required before or after the angioplasty procedure, which can increase the overall cost.



The cost of medicines prescribed after the angioplasty procedure can also add to the overall cost.


Post-operative care

The cost of post-operative care, including hospital stay and follow-up appointments, can also affect the overall cost of angioplasty.

It is essential to discuss all costs related to the procedure with your doctor and hospital. Contact Felix Hospital at +91 9667064100 to get an estimate of the most feasible cost for angioplasty.


Insurance for Angioplasty in Noida

Angioplasty is a medical procedure used to open narrowed or blocked blood vessels, and it can be a costly procedure. To help cover the expenses of angioplasty, many insurance providers in Noida offer coverage for this procedure. It is advisable to check with your insurance provider to see if the cost of angioplasty is covered under your policy. If so, it can significantly reduce out-of-pocket expenses. However, it is important to note that some insurance policies may have a waiting period before coverage for the procedure begins. Before undergoing the angioplasty procedure, it is essential to inform your insurance provider and obtain pre-authorization for the procedure. This will ensure that you do not face any difficulties when making a claim later. It is important to note that while insurance can help cover the cost for angioplasty, there may still be additional expenses such as diagnostic tests, medicines, and post-operative care. Therefore, it is important to discuss all expenses related to the procedure with your doctor and hospital beforehand.

So, Insurance can help reduce the financial burden of angioplasty in Noida, but it is important to check with your insurance provider and obtain pre-authorization for the procedure. Additionally, it is important to discuss all expenses related to the procedure with your doctor and hospital beforehand to avoid any unexpected expenses.


Angioplasty Cost Overview

There are different types of angioplasty procedures available in Noida, and the cost of each procedure may vary based on various factors such as the hospital, the doctor's fees, and the type of procedure required. Here is a detailed overview of the different types of angioplasty and their costs in Noida:


Balloon angioplasty

Balloon angioplasty is a type of angioplasty procedure in which a balloon catheter is used to open a blocked or narrowed blood vessel. The cost of balloon angioplasty in Noida ranges from Rs. 1,50,000 to Rs. 2,50,000. Felix Hospital provides you with the most budget-friendly angioplasty treatment cost.


Drug-eluting stent (DES) angioplasty

In DES angioplasty, a stent coated with medication is placed in the blocked or narrowed blood vessel to help keep it open. The cost of DES angioplasty in Noida ranges from Rs. 2,00,000 to Rs. 3,50,000.


Bare-metal stent (BMS) angioplasty

In BMS angioplasty, a stent without any medication coating is placed in the blocked or narrowed blood vessel to help keep it open. The cost of BMS angioplasty in Noida ranges from Rs. 1,50,000 to Rs. 2,50,000. If you are looking for the most budget-friendly angioplasty operation cost, then without a second thought, simply visit Felix Hospital.


Rotational atherectomy

Rotational atherectomy is a type of angioplasty procedure in which a tiny drill-like device is used to remove plaque buildup in the blocked or narrowed blood vessel. The cost of rotational atherectomy in Noida ranges from Rs. 3,50,000 to Rs. 5,00,000.


Laser angioplasty

In laser angioplasty, a laser is used to remove plaque buildup in the blocked or narrowed blood vessel. The cost of laser angioplasty in Noida ranges from Rs. 2,50,000 to Rs. 4,00,000. Visit Felix Hospital right away for getting the most reasonable angioplasty surgery cost.

It is important to note that the cost of angioplasty in Noida may also include additional expenses such as diagnostic tests, medicines, and post-operative care. These costs can add up significantly, so it is essential to discuss them with your doctor and hospital beforehand. Additionally, it is advisable to check with your insurance provider to see if the cost of angioplasty is covered under your policy.


How is Angioplasty Cost Calculated?

The cost for angioplasty in Noida may vary depending on several factors. So, here is a detailed explanation of the factors that can affect the cost of angioplasty in Noida:


Hospital Fees

Angioplasty costs in Noida may include the fees for using the hospital facilities, including the operating room, recovery room, and other equipment. Different hospitals in Noida may charge different rates for these facilities. Some hospitals may have advanced equipment and more luxurious facilities, which can increase the cost of angioplasty. It is important to check the hospital facilities and compare prices between hospitals to find the best deal.


Surgeon Fees

The fees charged by the surgeon may also affect the cost of angioplasty in Noida. The fees may vary depending on the surgeon's experience, qualifications, and location. An experienced surgeon may charge more for the procedure, but they may also have a higher success rate. Therefore, it is crucial to select a trained and experienced surgeon who can carry out the treatment successfully and securely.

Type of Procedure

The cost for angioplasty in Noida may depend on the type of procedure being performed. For instance, the cost of a balloon angioplasty may be different from that of a stent placement. Balloon angioplasty involves inflating a balloon inside the artery to open up the blocked area, while stent placement involves inserting a small wire mesh tube to keep the artery open. The cost of the procedure may also vary based on the type of stent used.



The location of the hospital may also influence the angioplasty treatment cost in Noida. Hospitals located in prime areas may charge more than those located in other parts of the city. The cost of living and overhead expenses in different areas of Noida can also affect the cost of the procedure.



Insurance coverage can also affect the cost of angioplasty in Noida. If the patient has insurance, the cost may be lower than if the patient pays out of pocket. Insurance coverage may vary depending on the type of policy and the insurance provider.

It is crucial to note that the angioplasty operation cost can vary greatly and may be influenced by factors other than those listed above. It is advisable to discuss the cost of angioplasty with the hospital and the surgeon before the procedure to avoid unexpected costs. Patients should do thorough research and compare prices between hospitals to find the best deal.


Tips to Reduce Angioplasty Cost

Angioplasty is a medical procedure that can be expensive, and it is natural for patients to look for ways to reduce the cost of the procedure. Here are some tips that can help to reduce the cost of angioplasty:


  • Choose a Hospital Wisely

Angioplasty costs can vary significantly between hospitals, so it is important to choose a hospital that is affordable and provides quality care. Patients should compare prices between hospitals and choose a hospital that provides good value for money. Now we would like to tell you that this blog has been prepared exclusively to make this task an easy job for you. So, without searching and bothering further, simply choose Felix Hospital for getting the easiest and most reasonable angioplasty treatment cost.  


  • Discuss the Cost with the Hospital

Before undergoing an angioplasty, patients should discuss the cost of the procedure with the hospital. They can ask for an estimate of the total cost, including all the charges such as hospital fees, surgeon fees, medication, and tests. They can also ask if there are any discounts or payment plans available.


  • Check Insurance Coverage

Patients should check their insurance coverage to see if angioplasty is covered under their policy. If the procedure is covered, the out-of-pocket expenses can be significantly reduced. Patients should also check if there are any restrictions or requirements for coverage, such as prior authorization. Talk to our team at Felix Hospital to get the idea of availing yourself of the most affordable angioplasty surgery cost.


Opt for Generic Medications

Patients can ask their doctor to prescribe generic medications instead of brand-name medications. Generic medications are usually less expensive and can help to reduce the overall cost of the procedure. You can also reduce the cost by purchasing medicines from the pharmacy store of Felix Hospital, where we offer a flat 15% discount on every medicine, thus you can further reduce the angioplasty operation cost.


Follow a Healthy Lifestyle

Adopting a healthy lifestyle can help to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and the need for angioplasty. Patients can reduce the risk by eating a healthy diet, exercising regularly, quitting smoking, and managing stress. By adopting a healthy lifestyle, patients can save money on medical expenses and improve their overall health.

Reducing the cost for angioplasty requires careful planning and research. By choosing a hospital wisely, discussing the cost with the hospital, checking insurance coverage, opting for generic medications, and following a healthy lifestyle, patients can significantly reduce the cost of angioplasty.

What is Angioplasty?

An angioplasty is a technique to widen or unblock clogged or narrowed coronary arteries. The coronary arteries in your heart deliver blood that is rich in oxygen. If you have coronary artery disease, a sticky substance known as plaque accumulates in the coronary arteries. The components of plaque in your blood, include calcium, cholesterol, and other elements. Your arteries may completely stop or constrict over time as a result. Your heart's circulation is disrupted in some areas as a result of it. An angioplasty opens up the narrowed area of the artery to allow more blood to flow through. Percutaneous coronary intervention is the alternative name for it.

Now after knowing the definition of angioplasty, it is crucial to learn the fact that Felix Hospital provides you with the most affordable and budget-friendly cost for angioplasty.

Why Angioplasty is Done?

Angioplasty is a medical procedure that is done for a number of reasons. Here are some of the reasons why angioplasty is done:

  • To treat coronary artery disease, which is a condition that causes narrowing or blockage of the coronary arteries that supply blood to the heart muscle.
  • To alleviate the symptoms of angina or any chest discomfort caused by an inadequate supply of blood to the heart.
  • To treat a heart attack caused by a sudden blockage in the coronary artery.
  • To improve blood flow to the heart muscle, which can help to reduce the risk of future heart attacks.
  • To reduce the risk of complications in patients with unstable angina, which is a type of chest pain that occurs at rest or with minimal exertion.
  • To treat blocked or narrowed arteries in other parts of the body, such as the legs or kidneys.
  • To manage pulmonary hypertension, a condition marked by elevated blood pressure in the lungs.
  • To treat complications of heart valve disease, such as pulmonary edema or heart failure.
  • To treat conditions when any medications or lifestyle changes are not working.

So, angioplasty is done to treat a variety of medical conditions related to reduced blood flow in the heart and other parts of the body. It is an effective and minimally invasive procedure that can improve blood flow and reduce the risk of complications. Now, have your angioplasty performed at Felix Hospital and receive the lowest Now, have your coronary angiography performed at Felix Hospital and receive the lowest possible angioplasty treatment cost.


What conditions does Angioplasty treat?

Some of the conditions that angioplasty can treat include:


  • Coronary artery disease (CAD)

Angioplasty can help relieve symptoms of CAD, such as chest pain or discomfort (angina), by widening the narrowed arteries that supply blood to the heart muscle.


  • Peripheral artery disease (PAD)

Angioplasty can improve blood flow to the legs and other parts of the body affected by PAD, which can cause pain, cramping, or numbness.


  • Renal artery stenosis

This condition involves the narrowing of the arteries that supply blood to the kidneys, which can lead to high blood pressure or kidney damage. Angioplasty can help widen the arteries and restore blood flow. Get any kind of angioplasty procedure done at Felix Hospital and that too at the most reasonable angioplasty surgery cost.


  • Carotid artery disease

This condition involves the narrowing of the arteries that supply blood to the brain, which can increase the risk of stroke. Angioplasty can help open up the blocked or narrowed arteries and prevent stroke.


  • Venous stenosis

Angioplasty can treat venous stenosis, where narrowed veins cause pain and swelling. A balloon catheter is inserted into the vein and inflated to widen the narrowed area, improving blood flow and reducing symptoms.

 It is important to note that angioplasty may not be appropriate for all cases, and the decision to undergo this procedure should be made in consultation with a healthcare professional. Call right away at +91 9667064100 to talk to the expert doctors of Felix Hospital and discuss with them properly in order to get the best treatment as well as the best angioplasty treatment cost.


Who needs to have an Angioplasty?

A healthcare professional may recommend angioplasty to individuals who have:

  • Chest pain or discomfort (angina) due to blockages in the coronary arteries.
  • Had a heart attack or unstable angina that has not responded to other treatments.
  • Peripheral artery disease (PAD) with symptoms such as leg pain or non-healing wounds.
  • Carotid artery disease with symptoms such as transient ischemic attacks (TIAs) or stroke.
  • Renal artery stenosis with high blood pressure or kidney damage.
  • Venous stenosis with swelling or pain.

If you are confused about whether you need angioplasty or not, then contact Felix Hospital right now to talk to our highly experienced doctors. They will guide you and make everything sorted out for you. Not only this, but they can also give you an estimate of the cheapest and rock-bottom angioplasty operation cost, which is provided nowhere else, but at Felix Hospital.


Types of Angioplasty

These are the following types of angioplasty procedures:


  • Coronary angioplasty

This procedure is used to treat blockages in the coronary arteries that supply blood to the heart muscle.


  • Peripheral angioplasty

This procedure is used to treat blockages in the peripheral arteries that supply blood to the legs, arms, and other parts of the body.


  • Carotid angioplasty

This procedure is used to treat blockages in the carotid arteries that supply blood to the brain, which can increase the risk of stroke. If the huge angioplasty treatment cost is troubling you and creating an obstacle in your way, then simply opt for Felix Hospital for availing yourself of the best angioplasty procedures at the cheapest cost.


  • Renal angioplasty

This procedure is used to treat blockages in the renal arteries that supply blood to the kidneys, which can cause high blood pressure or kidney damage.


  • Venous angioplasty

This procedure is used to treat the narrowing of the veins that can cause swelling and pain.

The specific type of angioplasty procedure used depends on the location and severity of the blockage, as well as other factors such as a patient's medical history and overall health. Now don’t wait anymore, just get your angioplasty procedure done at Felix Hospital at the most budget-friendly and affordable angioplasty surgery cost.


What happens before Angioplasty?


  • Your doctor would ask you to refrain from eating or drinking for six to eight hours before your angioplasty procedure.
  • Depending on your circumstances, you might expect your angioplasty treatment to run anywhere from 30 minutes to several hours.
  • You'll put on a hospital gown when you go to the hospital.
  • You must inform your healthcare practitioner of any allergies you may have as well as the medications you use.
  • To give you sedative medicine, your doctor will place an IV in your arm.
  • Additionally, you will receive medication via IV to prevent blood clots from forming in your body.

Before getting your angioplasty done, you can contact Felix Hospital to get an estimate of the most reasonable angioplasty treatment cost.


What happens during Angioplasty?


  • Fluids, medications, and blood thinners (anticoagulants) are given through an IV catheter in the hand or arm.
  • Throughout the process, blood pressure, oxygen levels, heart rate, and pulse are monitored.
  • The doctor prepares the leg, arm, or wrist area with an antiseptic solution and places a sterile cloth over the body.
  • Your doctor will numb the area where a very small incision is made with a local anesthetic.
  • A thin guidewire is then inserted into the blood vessel. Using live X-rays, doctors insert thin tubes (catheters) into arteries.
  • A contrast agent is injected through the catheter once it is in place, allowing the doctor to see inside the blood vessel and see blockages on her X-ray, called an angiogram.
  • At the location of the blockage, a tiny balloon with or without a stent is inflated to expand the blocked artery.
  • The balloon is deflated once the artery has been stretched, and then the catheter is taken out.
  • The process may be repeated at each blockage if you have several blockages.

Now overwhelming fear of angioplasty won’t haunt you anymore when you will get it done with expert medical professionals of Felix Hospital. Call at +91 9667064100 right now to get an estimate of the most reasonable angioplasty operation cost.


What happens after Angioplasty?

  • You'll be brought to the recovery room for monitoring following the procedure.
  • After shifting there, you will remain to lie in bed for several hours.
  • A nurse will keep an eye on your vital signs, the location of the puncture, blood flow, and the feeling in the afflicted arm or leg.
  • Tell your nurse right away if you experience chest pain, pressure or other pain, warmth, bleeding, or pain at the insertion site.
  • Bed rest varies from 2 hours to 6 hours depending on the specific condition.
  • Your nurse will check your blood pressure following the appropriate amount of bed rest.
  • Pain relievers may be given if there is pain or discomfort at the injection site or if you need to lie still for a long time.
  • You will be asked to drink water or other liquids to help the contrast agent leave your body.
  • Unless otherwise advised by your doctor, you can return to your normal diet after surgery.
  • The likelihood is that you will stay the night in the hospital following your procedure.
  • You will be given specific instructions for your discharge and recovery period based on your health.

Visit Felix Hospital right now to avail yourself of the most affordable and budget-friendly angioplasty treatment cost. Contact +91 9667064100.


When to see the doctor?

Usually, there are symptoms or underlying illnesses that call for a visit to the doctor. A quick visit can offer the right diagnosis and treatment, which may include medication, angioplasty, and cardiac stents. Anyone who has persistent chest pain, shortness of breath, or dizziness needs to visit a doctor. A patient should see a doctor if they have high blood pressure, diabetes, high cholesterol, or kidney disease. Heart attacks and other cardiovascular conditions are made more likely by these illnesses. Check yourself out if a family member has heart disease or has recently had a heart attack.

No matter what your concern is, talk to the highly experienced and skilled doctors at Felix Hospital. You can also ask them about the estimated cost for angioplasty.


Benefits of Angioplasty

  • Increases blood flow through the blocked coronary artery.
  • Restores the blood flow to reduce heart muscle damage.
  • Relieves heart attack symptoms such as chest pain, and shortness of breath.
  • Restores blood flow to the legs to prevent gangrene and avoid amputation.
  • Improve the functioning of the kidneys.
  • Reduces the risk of another heart attack.
  • Reduces the risk of heart stroke.
  • Increase your chances of survival.

Now you are going to get more and more benefits of angioplasty by opting for Felix Hospital. At Felix Hospital, we get you benefitted to every possible extent, and that is why we provide you with the most affordable and budget-friendly angioplasty treatment cost.


Risks of Angioplasty


  • Damage to the blood vessel
  • Cardiac arrest
  • Stroke (an uncommon occurrence)
  • Infection from the surgical incision
  • Clotting or bleeding where the catheter was put
  • Failing to open the afflicted artery
  • An allergic reaction to the medication released into your bloodstream via a stent
  • Allergic reaction to the X-ray dye
  • The stent getting misplaced
  • Blood clots in the lungs or legs
  • A damaged nerve resulting in pain or numbness in the leg.
  • Damage to the groin artery, which may require immediate surgery
  • Kidney failure (increased risk in individuals with pre-existing kidney issues)

Do not allow the risks to influence your decision to get your angioplasty done. Now put aside all the risks and concerns by deciding to go with Felix Hospital, where you get the best possible treatment through the skilled hands of the best doctors in Noida. The most surprising fact is that we provide you with all of these facilities at the most reasonable angioplasty operation cost.


Preventions to take after having an Angioplasty


  • Observe the guidance provided by your doctor

You will receive detailed instructions from your doctor on what to do after an angioplasty. Be sure to strictly adhere to them, including the food, exercise, and medication schedules.


  • Take your medication exactly as directed

In order to avoid blood clots, decrease inflammation, and lessen the chance of developing new blockages, your doctor may prescribe medications such as blood thinners, antiplatelets, or cholesterol-lowering therapies. Follow the instructions exactly. Rest if you are filled with any doubt or query, talk to the expert healthcare professionals of Felix Hospital and get the estimate of angioplasty surgery cost with us. Contact +91 9667064100.


  • Keep an eye on your signs

Pay close attention to any odd symptoms, such as severe fatigue, dizziness, or chest pain. In the event that you suffer any of these signs, call your doctor right away.


  • Maintain a healthy lifestyle

Make an effort to live a healthy lifestyle by giving up smoking, eating a heart-healthy diet, keeping a healthy weight, and exercising frequently.


  • Attend follow-up appointments

Keep track of all of your follow-up appointments with your physician to assess your development and make any required modifications to your treatment strategy. If you are seeking to talk to the expert doctors of Felix Hospital, then call right now at +91 9667064100. You can also ask them about our easiest angioplasty surgery cost.


  • Avoid severe activity

For a few weeks after angioplasty, refrain from strenuous activities like heavy lifting or vigorous exercise. Under the direction of your doctor, gradually increase your degree of activity.


  • Control your stress

Stress can raise your blood pressure and heart rate, which may have an impact on the health of your heart. Utilize relaxation methods to reduce stress, such as yoga, meditation, or deep breathing.

Remember that adhering to your doctor's recommendations, leading a healthy lifestyle, and showing up to all follow-up appointments are the keys to a successful recovery after angioplasty. And also note that choosing Felix Hospital is the key to avail yourself of the most reasonable and budget-friendly angioplasty treatment cost.



Angioplasty in Noida is an affordable option for patients seeking quality healthcare. Health insurance can often cover the cost, alleviating the financial burden for patients. It is important to prioritize one's health and seek medical attention if experiencing symptoms of coronary artery disease. With an affordable cost and potential insurance coverage, patients can receive the necessary treatment without worrying about costs. Consult with a healthcare professional to determine the best course of treatment and understand potential costs associated with angioplasty. Therefore based on every minute and detailed aspect of this blog, you must have been assured by now that Felix Hospital is the best and wisest option for you to opt for the angioplasty as we not only provide you with the best treatment and services to you but also we offer you the most affordable cost for angioplasty.


Frequently Asked Questions(FAQs)


  • Is angioplasty just performed on the heart?

Not only are blockages in coronary blood channels treated by angioplasty but also obstructions in other blood vessels, such as the carotid artery.


  • What distinguishes angiography from Angioplasty?

Angiograms are diagnostic procedures that include injecting a dye into the coronary arteries to look for any obstructions. Whereas a constricted section of an artery is expanded during angioplasty in order to improve blood flow.


  • Why use Angioplasty and Stenting?

A non-surgical procedure called angioplasty is used to clear blocked arteries. The doctor performs this surgery after seeing the angiogram, a picture that identifies the blocked arteries. The arteries are opened through angioplasty, with or without stenting, to restore blood flow.


  • Are there any additional costs associated with Angioplasty?

In addition to the cost of the procedure itself, patients may incur additional costs for pre-and post-operative care, such as imaging tests, medications, and follow-up appointments. These costs can vary widely depending on the patient's individual circumstances.


  • Can the cost of angioplasty be negotiated?

In some cases, patients may be able to negotiate the cost of angioplasty with their healthcare provider or hospital. Patients should speak with their provider or a financial counselor at the hospital to discuss their options.

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