The cost of these tests may fluctuate depending on several factors like the location, medical facility, and even the methodology used for testing. In order to provide a general estimate of the cost range, consider the following:


  • Government Healthcare Facilities: Within government-operated healthcare facilities and hospitals that provide subsidized services, the expense for the SGOT-SGPT tests could range from 200 to 500 Rs.
  • Private Laboratories: At private laboratories or diagnostic centers, the price can vary between 300 to 800 INR for each individual test. It's worth mentioning that additional charges, such as consultation fees, might be incorporated if applicable.
  • Corporate Hospitals and Specialized Centers: The fees tend to be higher at corporate hospitals or specialized healthcare centers, ranging from 800 to 2000 INR per test. These establishments typically offer a wider array of conveniences, with the increased pricing reflecting the inclusion of supplementary services and advanced infrastructure.

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Starting Cost₹500
Average Cost₹800
Maximum Cost₹2,000


Understanding SGPT and SGOT

SGPT and SGOT are two of the most prevalent types of liver enzymes.
 When liver cells are harmed or inflamed, these enzymes can leak into the bloodstream, leading to increased amounts of SGOT and SGPT in a blood test. Consequently, these enzymes are widely used as indicators of liver function and can aid in the diagnosis of liver diseases like hepatitis, cirrhosis, or liver cancer.
Apart from the liver, SGOT is also present in the kidney, muscles, heart, and even the brain. Conversely, SGPT is primarily found solely in the liver.
 Elevated levels of either enzyme can arise from various factors:

  • SGOT levels can increase during liver complications, heart attacks, or muscle injuries.
  • SGPT levels can increase during liver diseases and damage to liver tissues.

However,  SGPT/ SGOT high treatment levels  can also be attributed to other factors such as alcohol consumption, specific medications, or muscle damage. The levels of SGPT are more inclined towards identifying liver diseases and damage due to its increased levels.


Symptoms of high levels of SGPT and SGOT

The danger level of SGPT and SGOT symptoms also known as ALT (alanine transaminase) and AST (aspartate transaminase) respectively, may point to harm or dysfunction in the liver. These enzymes are mainly present in liver cells and are released into the bloodstream when the liver is harmed. When an individual undergoes a blood test, increased SGPT and SGOT levels can be identified, indicating potential liver issues. However, it is important to note that increased levels of these enzymes do not indicate a specific condition, but rather signify general liver damage. Further diagnostic examinations and medical assessments are necessary to determine the exact cause behind the danger level of SGPT and SGOT.


There are various factors that can contribute to the SGPT/ SGOT high treatment levels. Some of these potential causes include the following:

  • Hepatitis: Inflammation of the liver caused by viral infections, such as hepatitis A, B, or C, can result in increased levels of SGPT and SGOT.
  • Liver disease related to alcohol consumption: Excessive and regular intake of alcohol can lead to liver damage, which in turn causes high SGPT and SGOT levels.
  • Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD):   Build-up of fat in the liver due to factors unrelated to alcohol, such as obesity or diabetes, can also be SGPT and SGOT high Causes  
  • Liver cirrhosis: An advanced stage of liver disease characterized by the formation of scar tissue in the liver can lead to elevated enzyme levels.
  • Autoimmune hepatitis: This occurs when the immune system mistakenly attacks liver cells, resulting in inflammation and an increase in SGPT and SGOT levels.


In the majority of instances, danger level of SGPT and SGOT symptoms may result in any of the noticeable indications such as : 


  • Constant feelings of fatigue and tiredness
  • Vomiting
  • Abdominal unease
  • Rapid bruising

However, in severe situations, liver disease can lead to symptoms like:


  • Yellowing of the skin and eyes,
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Swelling in the leg
  • Swelling in the abdomen
  • Dark urine
  • Pale stools

If danger levels of SGPT and SGOT are detected, it is crucial to seek the guidance of a healthcare professional for further evaluation and diagnosis. To determine the underlying cause, additional diagnostic tests such as ultrasound imaging, liver function tests, or viral marker tests may be recommended.

How are the tests for SGPT/SGOT conducted?

Here is a step-by-step explanation of how SGPT/SGOT tests are typically conducted


  • Preparation: Generally, there is no particular need for specific preparation for these tests. However, it is crucial to notify your healthcare professional about any medicines, supplements, or natural remedies you are currently using, as certain substances can potentially impact liver enzymes.
  • Collection of Blood Sample: The  SGPT/ SGOT high treatment levels test involve obtaining a blood sample from a vein, typically located in the inner elbow area. A healthcare practitioner, such as a phlebotomist or nurse, will use a sterile needle and syringe to draw the blood.
  • Cleansing of the Site: An antiseptic solution will be utilized to cleanse the skin over the area where the puncture will occur. This step aims to minimize the risk of infection.
  • Application of Tourniquet: To temporarily restrict blood flow and facilitate the identification of the vein, a tourniquet might be wrapped around your upper arm.
  • Insertion of Needle: Once a suitable vein is identified, the healthcare professional will introduce the needle into the vein. This process may cause a slight prickling or stinging sensation.
  • Collection of Blood: The blood will be drawn into the syringe attached to the needle. Typically, around 5-10 milliliters of blood is required for the SGPT/SGOT examinations.
  • Removal of Needle and Application of Pressure: Once the blood sample has been collected, the needle will be withdrawn from your vein. A cotton ball or sterile gauze pad will be placed over the puncture site, and pressure will be applied to prevent any bleeding.
  • Analysis in the Laboratory: Within the laboratory setting, the blood sample will undergo centrifugation to separate the serum (the clear liquid portion), from the other components of the blood. The serum will then be subjected to specialized equipment to test the danger level of SGPT and SGOT.
  • Communication of Test Results: Following the analysis, the test results will be generated and conveyed to your healthcare provider. Typically, the results are reported as units per liter (U/L) or international units per liter (IU/L), indicating the concentration of SGPT and SGOT in your bloodstream.­­­­

The test results are valuable in discovering liver diseases and in analyzing hepatitis. It is additionally utilized in observing the impacts of medications that may harm the liver. It is a painless method and doesn't need special preparation. Ordinarily, the test can be performed within five minutes. Your doctor will prescribe getting an SGPT & SGOT test to ensure your liver function and possible complexities.


What are the standard levels of AST (SGOT) and ALT (SGPT)?

Here are the general guidelines for the levels of AST and ALT:

  • AST (SGOT):   -

For males: 10 to 40 units per liter (U/L)  serum
For females: 9 to 32 U/L  serum

  • ALT (SGPT):   -

For males: 10 to 45 U/L  serum            
For females: 7 to 35 U/L serum
It's important to note that different labs might have slightly different ranges depending on the testing method in the laboratory, so the specific guidelines could vary a bit from one place to another. When doctors analyze the danger level of SGPT and SGOT (AST and ALT), they consider other factors, like the ratio between the two enzymes, as well as other liver function tests. The liver's condition and the presence of other risk factors or symptoms also hold significant importance in determining if these levels are abnormal.


Why is it so important to maintain balanced levels of SGPT and SGOT?

Keeping balanced levels of SGPT (serum glutamic-pyruvic transaminase) and SGOT (serum glutamic-oxaloacetic transaminase) holds tremendous significance for various reasons. The assessment of liver health frequently involves measuring these enzymes during liver function tests. Below is an elaborate interpretation on the significance of maintaining balanced levels of SGPT and SGOT:

  • Liver Health Evaluation: SGPT and SGOT are liver enzymes that have a crucial function in the metabolic process of amino acids and the production of energy. In instances where the liver is damaged or inflamed, for example in liver diseases like hepatitis or cirrhosis, these enzymes are discharged into the bloodstream in higher quantities. Consequently, evaluating their levels helps in the evaluation of liver well-being and the identification of any hidden liver issues.
  • Detection of Liver Dysfunction: Danger level of SGPT and SGOT suggests liver damage or dysfunction. SGPT is predominantly detected in the liver, whereas SGOT is present in multiple organs such as the liver, heart, skeletal muscles, and red blood cells. Nevertheless, in cases where the liver is impacted by disease or injury, both these enzymes are discharged in greater amounts, making them valuable indicators for liver dysfunction.
  •  Liver Inflammation: The levels of SGPT and SGOT play a crucial role in the detection of liver inflammation, which can be caused by multiple factors such as viral infections (hepatitis), excessive alcohol consumption, autoimmune disorders, specific medications, or fatty liver disease. Elevated levels of these enzymes indicate ongoing inflammation in the liver, helping to guide further investigations or monitoring of the condition.
  • Keeping an eye on Medications: Specific medications or therapies may cause negative impacts on the liver. For instance, certain medications utilized for tuberculosis treatment, statins (medications that lower cholesterol levels), or particular drugs used to control seizures can result in harm to the liver. It is crucial to consistently monitor the levels of SGPT and SGOT to identify any possible harm to the liver caused by medications and ensure that the liver is operating effectively.

It should be emphasized that although SGPT/ SGOT high treatment levels typically suggest liver dysfunction, they are not limited to issues related to the liver. Other circumstances, such as muscle damage or cardiac complications, can also cause increases in these enzymes. Consequently, further diagnostic tests and inquiries might be required to precisely determine the root cause.

Decoding the indications of elevated SGPT and SGOT levels

Danger level of SGPT and SGOT suggest possible harm or damage to the liver. These particular enzymes are typically housed within liver cells, and when the liver suffers damage or injury, they can leak into the bloodstream, causing levels to rise.
The SGPT enzyme, also known as alanine aminotransferase (ALT), is primarily located in the liver, although it can also be found in smaller amounts in other tissues. In instances where liver cells are damaged or inflamed, such as in cases of viral hepatitis, fatty liver disease, alcohol-related liver disease, or drug-induced liver injury, SGPT levels tend to increase.
Likewise, the SGOT enzyme, also referred to as aspartate aminotransferase (AST), can be found in various tissues throughout the body, including the liver, heart, skeletal muscle, kidneys, pancreas, and red blood cells. However, elevated SGOT levels specifically indicate damage or injury to the liver.

Are SGPT and SGOT exclusive Indicators of Liver disease only?

As previously mentioned, that isn't the case at all. Lower or heightened SGPT and SGOT enzymes are not associated with liver disease or liver functions only. In certain instances, individuals with increased levels of these two enzymes may still have a perfectly functioning liver.
Henceforth, although SGPT and SGOT high Causes liver disease, they are not solely confined to liver-associated conditions. It is necessary to evaluate these enzyme levels alongside additional assessments of liver function tests and consider the patient's medical history, symptoms, observations from physical examination, and further diagnostic tests.

The danger level of SGPT and SGOT

The level of risk associated with SGPT (Serum Glutamate Pyruvate Transaminase) and SGOT (Serum Glutamate Oxaloacetate Transaminase), alternatively referred to as ALT (Alanine Aminotransferase) and AST (Aspartate Aminotransferase) respectively, can offer valuable understanding into the overall well-being of the liver. Testing for SGPT and SGOT is commonly conducted via a blood examination called a liver function test (LFT).


SGPT/ SGOT high treatment levels may suggest harm to the liver, however, the precise level of risk or threshold can vary based on multiple factors such as age, gender, weight, underlying medical conditions, and the reference range established by the laboratory.
When evaluating the danger level of SGPT and SGOT, it is important to consider  any noteworthy deviations from the normal ranges established by the laboratory. A slight increase in these enzyme levels could be attributed to various factors like the consumption of alcohol, specific medications, or a temporary viral infection. In such cases, further investigation might not be required unless accompanied by other symptoms or risk factors.
However, if the levels of SGPT and SGOT are significantly elevated or persistently high, it could potentially indicate more severe liver conditions such as viral hepatitis, fatty liver disease, alcoholic liver disease, or liver cirrhosis. Additional examinations, for example, viral marker tests, imaging studies (ultrasound, MRI), or liver biopsy, may be recommended to determine the underlying cause and the extent of liver damage.  

Preparations for SGPT and SGOT Blood Tests:

These tests help in identifying liver diseases, tracking the efficiency of treatment, and assessing possible harm to the liver caused by medicines or other factors. To ensure precise and reliable outcomes, it is crucial to follow certain guidelines when getting ready for these blood tests. The following are the suggested preparatory measures:
Requirements for Fasting: In some cases, healthcare providers may require fasting before these tests. It is generally recommended to observe a fasting period of eight to twelve hours before the collection of a blood sample. Fasting serves the purpose of removing any external variables that could potentially impact the accuracy of the test findings, such as recent consumption of meals.
Medicine and Supplement Usage: Make sure to let your healthcare provider know about any medications, such as non-prescription drugs and dietary supplements that you are currently using. Some medicines may affect the outcomes of liver function tests. Your healthcare provider will provide you with advice on whether to temporarily stop or continue taking them before the test.
Hydration: Staying properly hydrated plays a vital role in making it easier for the healthcare professional to draw your blood sample and improve blood flow. Drink plenty of water before the test unless instructed otherwise by your healthcare provider.


Are there any risks linked to the SGPT/SGOT blood tests?


Although SGPT/SGOT blood tests are typically regarded as safe, there exist certain potential risks or limitations associated with them:


  • Intrusive process: Blood tests consist of extracting blood from a vein, which may result in uneasiness, discoloration, or occasionally, infection at the location where the needle is inserted. Nevertheless, these potential dangers are typically minimal and transient.
  • Incorrect positive or incorrect negative results: The levels of SGPT/SGOT can be affected by different elements, like specific medications, intake of alcohol, intense physical activity, recent surgical procedures or injuries, and other factors. These factors might cause temporary increases in liver enzymes or conceal liver harm, leading to inaccurate test results. Healthcare experts must consider these factors when interpreting the test results.
  • Lack of specificity: One of the deficiencies in terms of accuracy is that SGPT/SGOT blood tests measure the levels of these transaminase enzymes, which can be found in various organs apart from the liver. Consequently, raised levels may suggest liver damage, but they may also be a consequence of problems in other organs such as the heart or skeletal muscle. In many cases, additional tests and an evaluation of medical history are necessary to determine the exact cause of elevated enzymatic levels.


SGPT and SGOT high Causes 

There are multiple factors that can lead to an increase in the levels of SGPT and SGOT in the bloodstream, such as:

  • Liver diseases: Prolonged liver conditions like hepatitis B, hepatitis C, alcohol-induced liver disease, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), and cirrhosis are prevalent factors behind heightened levels of SGPT and SGOT. These ailments gradually harm liver cells, resulting in an increase in the release of enzymes.
  • Medicines and toxins: Specific medications can impact the functioning of the liver and raise the danger level of SGPT and SGOT symptoms. These may incorporate non-prescription medications like acetaminophen, anti-inflammatory drugs that are not steroids (NSAIDs), statins that lower cholesterol, and certain antibiotics. Furthermore, being exposed to harmful toxins and chemicals, such as excessive intake of alcohol or prolonged contact with industrial chemicals, can also lead to harm to the liver and lead to increased levels of enzymes.
  • Excessive fat buildup in the liver: Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is a condition defined by the excessive accumulation of fat in the liver. This can happen as a result of being overweight, having insulin resistance, and suffering from diabetes, having high levels of cholesterol, or experiencing metabolic syndrome. NAFLD patients may exhibit increased levels of SGPT and SGOT.
  • Viral illnesses: The infection caused by hepatitis viruses (particularly hepatitis B and C) can trigger inflammation within the liver, resulting in danger levels of SGPT and SGOT symptoms. The transmission of these illnesses commonly occurs through contaminated blood, sexual intercourse, or the passing of the infection from mother to child during Childbirth.

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