Are you dealing with the discomfort of anal fistulas? Then finding the right treatment path is essential. In Noida, you have a range of options to consider. From lifestyle changes to advanced surgical procedures, anal fistula surgery aims to alleviate discomfort and enhance well-being. Working with experienced proctologists, you can explore treatments, understand potential outcomes, and make informed decisions for your health. Begin a journey towards relief and improved comfort. Noida boasts modern medical facilities and skilled proctologists, making it a favored destination for anal fistula surgery. The cost of fistula surgery in Noida is competitive, offering quality care that suits your budget. Whether you need minimally invasive procedures or comprehensive interventions, Noida provides access to quality treatments and affordable pricing for anal fistula surgery cost in Noida, significantly improving your comfort and quality of life. 

The cost of fistula surgery can vary based on factors like the procedure, case complexity, hospital facilities, specialist fees, and post-operative care. 


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Here's an estimated breakdown:


Starting Cost ₹ 35,000
Average Cost ₹ 42,500
Maximum Cost ₹ 50,000


Looking for affordable anal fistula surgery cost in Noida. Consult Felix Hospital's top specialists We prioritize exceptional care while ensuring affordability. Our experienced proctologists and dedicated staff are committed to delivering outstanding treatment that aligns with your budget. Begin your path to relief with confidence, knowing you're receiving top-notch care tailored to your needs.

What are the different types of Fistula Surgery cost in Noida?

Fistulotomy: The common method involves cutting the fistula to promote healing, with the lowest incontinence risk for simple cases. Approximate cost of Fistula surgery: INR 30,000 - 40,000.

Seton Techniques: For complex fistulas, a surgical thread is inserted to aid drainage, gradually leading to healing. Approximate fistula surgery cost for seton technique: INR 25,000 - 35,000.

Advancement Flap Procedure: A tissue flap from the rectum covers the fistula hole, with a lower success rate but less sphincter muscle risk. Approximate Fistula surgery cost for flap procedure: INR 40,000 - 50,000.

LIFT Procedure: Safely treats sphincter-involved fistulas by creating a flat seal, offering promising results. The Approximate cost for fistula surgery for LIFT procedure is: INR 35,000 - 45,000.

Endoscopic Ablation: Sealing the fistula using an endoscope and electrode, is effective and safe. The Approximate cost for Fistula surgery: INR 30,000 - 40,000.

Laser Surgery: Using a laser beam to seal the fistula, though effectiveness varies. The Approximate cost for Fistula Surgery: INR 25,000 - 35,000.

Fibrin Glue: Non-surgical option involving glue injection to encourage healing. Approximate cost: INR 20,000 - 30,000.

Bioprosthetic Plug: Blocking the fistula opening with a cone-shaped plug, is effective and safe. Approximate cost: INR 35,000 - 45,000.

Choose the appropriate anal fistula treatment cost in Noida based on your needs and consult with skilled professionals to make an informed decision for your well-being.

Is Anal Fistula Surgery cost covered under Insurance?

Choosing the right anal fistula treatment cost involves considering severity, medical guidance, and personal choices. Expert consultation will help determine the best approach, while cost of fistula surgery estimates vary by location and facility. For personalized anal fistula surgery cost details, contact Felix Hospital at 9667064100, and start your path to relief and well-being.

Health Insurance Coverage for Fistula Treatment cost

Your health insurance policy can alleviate the financial burden of treating an illness like a fistula. Covered cost of fistula surgery includes:

  • In-Patient Hospitalization: Expenses during hospital stays, including room rent, nursing care, ICU charges, doctor consultations, surgery, and ancillary supplies.
  • Pre-Hospitalization: Medical costs before admission, such as consultations, diagnostic tests, preventive measures, and medications.
  • Post-Hospitalization: Medical expenses after discharge, covering follow-up consultations, tests, and prescribed drugs.
  • Home Treatment: Some plans facilitate treatment at home, ensuring equal care whether in a medical facility or at home.
  • Cash Allowances: Exclusive daily cash allowance for incidental expenses during hospitalization, lightening the financial load.

Contact Felix Hospital at +91 9667064100 for tailored information on the cost for anal fistula surgery, taking the first step towards alleviating discomfort and improving your health.


What is Anal Fistula?

An anal fistula is an unusual passage that develops between the skin surrounding the anus and the inner lining of the anal canal. This condition often arises due to infections or abscesses in the anal area. 
There are different types of anal fistulas, distinguished by their specific paths and characteristics:

  • Intersphincteric Fistula: This type remains confined between the internal and external anal sphincter muscles. It tends to be relatively straightforward and may involve less complex treatment.
  • Transsphincteric Fistula: Extending through both the internal and external sphincters, this type can be more intricate. It may require extensive treatment strategy to ensure proper healing.
  • Suprasphincteric Fistula: This variant takes a route above the external sphincter, sometimes passing through the levator ani muscle. Treating this type may involve specialized approaches to address its unique path.
  • Extrasphincteric Fistula: Originating from the rectum, this type bypasses the sphincter muscles entirely and creates an external opening. Managing this type requires careful consideration of its distinct characteristics.

Identifying these signs and comprehending their root causes can facilitate prompt medical intervention and suitable management of anal fistulas. Searching for effective anal fistula treatment cost in Noida? Benefit from a 10% instant reduction in anal fistula surgery at Felix Hospital! Contact us at +91 9667064100.


Causes of Anal Fistulas:


  • Infection from Anal Glands: Most anal fistulas originate from infections in anal glands. The infection leads to an abscess that either self-drains or is surgically drained through the skin adjacent to the anus.
  • Formation of Tunnel: The abscess triggers the formation of a tunnel under the skin along the drainage path. This tunnel, known as a fistula, connects the anal gland or anal canal to an opening in the skin surrounding the anus.
  • Sphincter Muscle Involvement: The anal opening is encircled by rings of sphincter muscles that control stool release. Fistulas are categorized based on their interaction with these muscles, aiding surgeons in determining appropriate treatment options.

Diagnosis of Anal Fistula:


  • Physical Examination: A healthcare professional will conduct a thorough physical examination of the anal area to assess for signs of a fistula, such as external openings, inflammation, or discharge.
  • Medical History: Providing details about symptoms, previous infections, surgeries, and medical history helps in understanding the context and potential causes.
  • Imaging Tests: Techniques like ultrasound, MRI, or CT scans may be employed to visualize the fistula's path, location, and any complications.
  • Contrast Studies: A contrast dye may be introduced into the fistula tract to enhance its visibility during imaging procedures.
  • Proctoscopy/Colonoscopy: These procedures involve inserting a thin, flexible tube with a camera (endoscope) into the anus and rectum to examine the inner tissues and identify the fistula's characteristics.
  • Digital Rectal Examination: The healthcare provider may use a gloved finger to assess the rectum and anal canal for abnormalities.
  • Fistulogram: This X-ray procedure involves injecting contrast material into the fistula, enabling better visualization.
  • Laboratory Tests: Blood tests may be conducted to assess overall health and identify underlying conditions.

Prompt and accurate diagnosis aids in determining the appropriate treatment plan for anal fistulas. Learn about the specific cost for anal fistula surgery by connecting with Felix Hospital at +91 966706410, setting the course for relief and a better quality of life.


Factors That Increase Anal Fistula Risk:


  • History of Drained Anal Abscess: A prior experience of a drained anal abscess can elevate the risk of developing an anal fistula.
  • Inflammatory Bowel Conditions: Conditions like Crohn's disease or other inflammatory bowel diseases heighten susceptibility to anal fistulas.
  • Trauma to Anal Region: Traumatic incidents affecting the anal area can contribute to the formation of anal fistulas.
  • Infections in Anal Area: Infections occurring in the anal region can increase the likelihood of anal fistula development.
  • Previous Anal Cancer Treatment: Undergoing surgery or radiation for treating anal cancer may be associated with an increased risk of anal fistulas.
  • Age and Gender: While anal fistulas predominantly affect adults around 40 years old, they can also emerge in younger individuals, particularly if there is a history of Crohn's disease. The occurrence of anal fistulas is higher in males compared to females.

Understanding these risk factors aids in identifying individuals who may be more susceptible to anal fistulas and enables proactive measures for prevention and management. Need to know the precise cost for anal fistula surgery? Dial +91 966706410 to connect with Felix Hospital and initiate your road to comfort and recovery.


Preparing for Fistula Surgery: Steps for Readiness


  • Fasting and Hydration: Before undergoing anal fistula surgery with general anesthesia, you'll need to abstain from food and drink. Typically, fasting for six hours is required, with the exception of brief sips of water up to two hours before the procedure.
  • Health Check and Bowel Prep: Upon admission, medical professionals will monitor your vital signs, conduct tests like heart rate and blood pressure measurements, and may collect urine samples. In some cases, a bowel washout (enema) may be administered as part of the preparation process.
  • Preventive Measures: To minimize the risk of blood clots, you might be asked to wear compression stockings or receive anti-clotting medication intravenously. These precautions aim to ensure your well-being during and after the surgery.
  • Informed Consent: Your surgeon will provide a consent document outlining the procedure's potential outcomes, risks, benefits, and alternative options. Your informed consent is essential before the surgery proceeds.


The Procedure:


  • Assessment: Fistula surgery typically takes around 30 minutes and varies based on the specific type of fistula. Your surgeon will carefully evaluate your condition to determine the optimal approach.
  • Digital Rectal Examination: A digital rectal exam is conducted to assess the fistula's size and location. Depending on the results, your surgeon will determine if fistulotomy is necessary.
  • Surgical Techniques: For superficial fistulas, surgeons may opt to let them heal naturally or use specific materials like sutures or setons to aid the healing process. In some cases, a bandage is applied, and innovative methods such as protein-based glue or plugs may be employed for closure.
  • Tailored Care: Your healthcare team will customize your treatment plan based on the extent and type of fistula, ensuring you receive the most appropriate care for your condition.

By understanding the preparatory steps and surgical process, you can approach anal fistula surgery with confidence, knowing you're well-informed and supported throughout the journey to recovery.

Pre-Surgery Preparations:


  • Day Surgery: Most patients undergo fistula surgery as a day procedure, returning home if no complications arise. For smaller and shallow fistulas, local anesthesia may suffice, while deeper cases require general anesthesia.
  • Consent and Assessment: Prior to surgery, necessary consent documents will be signed. An IV line will be inserted for medication and fluids, and a thorough assessment of vital signs will be conducted.
  • Anesthesia Consultation: You'll meet with an anesthesiologist to discuss allergies and anesthesia history, clarifying the type of anesthesia planned for your surgery.


Surgery Insights:


  • Anesthesia Approach: Surgery involves either general anesthesia or monitored anesthesia care (MAC) for light sedation, administered through the IV line.
  • Surgical Positioning: Depending on the fistula's location, you'll be positioned supine, in the Kraske position, or lithotomy position with raised legs.
  • Fistulotomy Procedure: A skilled healthcare professional performs the fistulotomy by delicately opening the gap, preserving anal sphincters, and curating the wound's base. Marsupialization may be done to aid drainage and healing.
  • Post-Procedure: The wound is packed or coated with gauze, then wrapped for cleanliness. Recovery in a monitored setting follows, with pain management and comfort measures taken into account.


Aftercare and Recovery:


  • Recovery Room Monitoring: Post-surgery, you'll rest in a recovery room under supervision until fully awake. Nausea management and light sustenance may be provided.
  • Pain Management: Painkillers and antibiotics are prescribed, and wound care instructions are provided before discharge.
  • Home Care: You'll be sent home with essentials like pain relief, wound care items, and instructions. A responsible person is needed to accompany you home and assist post-surgery.
  • Recovery Duration: Depending on the procedure's extent, a week or more off work may be needed. Pain management and wound care continue during recovery.


Recovery Timeline After Fistula Surgery:

  • Healing Period: Allow approximately six weeks for full wound recovery. Dressings may need daily changes at the hospital based on wound extent, with dressing duration discussed by your surgeon.
  • Dressing Assistance: Depending on wound healing progress, daily dressing changes may be required. For added protection, consider using a gauze pad in your underwear initially.


Side Effects Following Fistula Surgery:


  • Temporary Effects: After anal fistula treatment, common side effects may include cramping, nausea, constipation, diarrhea, and localized pain. These discomforts tend to fade as your body heals.


Post-Surgery Care:


  • Initial Rest: Take a few days to rest after surgery and let the anesthesia effects subside.
  • Gradual Activity: Gradually resume movement with assistance to prevent complications.
  • Pain Management: Use prescribed painkillers to alleviate post-anesthesia discomfort.
  • Ointment Application: If prescribed, apply topical ointment as directed for anal care.
  • Temporary Limitations: Avoid driving, alcohol, machinery use, and important decisions.
  • Balanced Diet: Opt for a fiber-rich, fluid-abundant, non-spicy diet to maintain soft stools.
  • Gentle Exercise: Engage in light, regular exercise to enhance both physical and emotional well-being.
  • Hygiene and Rest: Consistent showering, sleep, and relaxation support healing.
  • Follow-Up Care: Ensure to attend follow-up clinic visits for comprehensive recovery tracking.

With these mindful steps, your journey to recovery after fistula surgery is guided toward optimal healing and well-being.


Why Choose Felix Hospital for Anal Fistula Treatment?

Felix Hospital provides Fistula Treatment featuring Expert Surgeons, Advanced Facilities, Holistic Approach, Multi & Superspeciality Care, Accreditation for Safety & Quality, Skilled Medical Team, Positive Patient Feedback, Convenient Location, fistula treatment cost at effective prices, Complimentary Pick & Drop Service, and State-of-the-Art Amenities, alongside Acceptance of Private & Government Health Insurance.


At Felix Hospital, living with a fistula becomes a manageable condition, thanks to an array of contemporary surgical treatments. While fistula diagnosis, treatment, and recovery can be time-consuming and challenging, diverse treatment options ensure that people of all ages and varying severity levels can have their fistulas addressed effectively. Additionally, post-surgery, your healthcare provider's advice on diet, hygiene, and exercises becomes pivotal for prompt wound healing.

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