Are you grappling with persistent visual discomfort due to a squint eye condition? Squint eye surgery, or strabismus surgery, could hold the key to restoring your ocular alignment. When non-invasive interventions fall short in rectifying issues like crossed eyes or misalignment, squint eye surgery offers a potential solution for improved vision and enhanced eye coordination. By collaborating with an accomplished ophthalmologist, you can delve into the available options, grasp the potential benefits and risks, and make a well-informed choice about your visual health. Embark on the journey toward a clearer vision!


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India shines as a sought-after hub for cost-effective and top-tier medical interventions, including squint eye surgery. With advanced medical infrastructure and renowned eye surgeons, India presents a compelling proposition for quality healthcare that can make a transformative impact. The squint eye surgery cost in Noida is significantly lower than global or Indian States alternatives, rendering it an appealing selection for those seeking the procedure. Whether your need entails correcting esotropia or exotropia, you can access exceptional treatment and favorable outcomes without straining your financial resources.

What's the Estimate for Squint Eye Surgery Cost?

Several factors contribute to the squint eye surgery cost, encompassing the specific procedure, complexity of the case, hospital amenities, surgeon's fees, and post-operative care. Here's an approximate breakdown of the cost:


Starting Cost ₹ 20,000
Average Cost ₹ 30,000-40,000
Maximum Cost ₹ 50,000 or more


Looking for budget-friendly solutions for squint eye surgery cost in Noida at  Felix Hospital in your city? We recognize the significance of providing superior eye care within your financial means. Our team of highly skilled ophthalmologists and dedicated personnel are committed to delivering exceptional treatment at a cost you can manage.


Exploring Different Types of Squint Eye Surgery Costs in Noida 


  • Lateral Rectus Recession Surgery: This procedure involves the recession (weakening) of the lateral rectus muscle to correct exotropia (outward deviation of the eye). The surgeon adjusts the muscle's attachment to the eye to improve eye alignment. Lateral rectus recession surgery offers benefits like improved eye coordination and reduced double vision. Lateral Rectus Recession Squint eye Surgery Cost: Starting from approximately INR 20,000.
  • Medial Rectus Resection Surgery: In cases of esotropia (inward deviation of the eye), the medial rectus muscle is resected (shortened) to enhance eye alignment. By adjusting the muscle's length, the surgeon helps align the eyes properly. Medial rectus resection surgery provides advantages such as improved eye alignment and reduced strain. The cost for Squint Eye Surgery involving Medial Rectus Resection starts from approximately INR 25,000.
  • Adjustable Suture Squint Surgery: This dynamic procedure involves the use of adjustable sutures to fine-tune eye alignment post-surgery. The surgeon makes small adjustments to the sutures to achieve optimal alignment, enhancing the accuracy of correction. Adjustable suture squint surgery offers benefits like precise alignment and reduced need for reoperation. The cost for Squint Eye Surgery involving Adjustable Suture Starts from approximately INR 30,000.
  • Botulinum Toxin Injection: This non-surgical option involves injecting botulinum toxin into specific eye muscles to temporarily weaken them and improve eye alignment. Botulinum toxin injection offers advantages such as a less invasive approach and the potential for improvement without surgery. Botulinum Toxin Injection Cost: Starting from approximately INR 15,000.

Please note that the provided costs are approximate and can vary. For a more accurate cost estimate tailored to your situation, it is recommended to consult with an eye care specialist.

Factors Affecting Squint Eye Surgery Costs:


  • Type of Strabismus: The specific type of strabismus, whether it's esotropia (inward deviation), exotropia (outward deviation), hypertropia (upward deviation), or hypotropia (downward deviation), plays a significant role in determining the complexity of the surgery. Different types require different surgical approaches, leading to potential variations in costs.
  • Technique for Alignment: The technique employed for aligning the eyes, such as resection (shortening of the muscle), recession (lengthening of the muscle), or plication (folding of the muscle), can impact the surgical procedure's intricacy and time. These variations can influence the overall cost of squint eye Treatment.
  • Number of Muscles Corrected: If multiple eye muscles need correction to achieve proper alignment, the procedure may require more time, skill, and resources, potentially leading to higher costs.
  • Choice of Treatment Center: The choice of the treatment center is a key determinant of the cost. Centers with advanced technology, experienced specialists, and superior facilities may have higher charges.
  • Doctors and Anesthetist's Fee: The experience and expertise of the ophthalmologist performing the surgery, as well as the anesthetist's involvement, contribute to the cost. Highly skilled professionals may charge accordingly.
  • Patient's Age: The age of the patient undergoing the surgery matters. Pediatric patients might require additional attention, care, or even specialized techniques, potentially impacting the cost of squint eye Treatment.
  • First-Time or Revision Surgery: If it's the patient's first squint eye surgery or revision surgery, the complexity and extent of the procedure can differ, thus affecting the cost.
  • Diagnostic Tests and Evaluations: Pre-operative tests, evaluations, and imaging are necessary to assess the eye's condition and plan the surgery. These diagnostic procedures contribute to the overall cost.
  • Post-Surgery Medications and Follow-ups: The expenses related to postoperative medications, follow-up appointments, and necessary aftercare play a role in determining the comprehensive cost of squint eye Treatment.

It's important to note that the cost of squint eye Treatment is influenced by a combination of these factors, and the precise amount may vary based on individual circumstances and treatment plans. Consulting with a qualified ophthalmologist and understanding these factors can provide a clearer picture of the potential cost of squint eye Treatment.


What is Squint Eye/Strabismus?

Squint, also known as strabismus, refers to a condition where a person's eyes do not align correctly and gaze in divergent directions. Although commonly observed in children, it can manifest at any age and is treatable through corrective lenses and other interventions.

Strabismus can present as either constant or intermittent misalignment of the eyes, often arising from a lack of coordination among the extraocular muscles responsible for eye and eyelid movement. Consequently, both eyes struggle to focus on the same point simultaneously.

This misalignment can also result from brain injuries or disorders that impede the eyes' collaborative function. Constant strabismus eliminates the possibility of binocular vision, leading to a loss of depth perception.
This condition is estimated to impact approximately 2-5% of the general population, making it a significant concern.

What are the different types of Strabismus?

Strabismus presents in various forms, categorized by either its underlying cause or the specific direction in which the eye deviates.

Strabismus is classified based on the eye's positions as follows:


  • Hypertropia: This occurs when one eye turns upwards, causing a misalignment in gaze.
  • Hypotropia: The eye turns downwards, resulting in a different focal point.
  • Esotropia: This type involves the eye turning inwards, leading to crossed eyes.
  • Exotropia: In contrast, exotropia manifests when the eye turns outwards.

Recognizing strabismus early on is crucial for effective treatment. While there was a prior belief that strabismus could not be treated after a certain "critical period," recent understanding has debunked this notion.

While treatment during the initial six years of life is generally deemed most effective, strabismus surgery remains a viable option at any stage, offering hope for improved alignment and visual harmony.

Indicators and Symptoms in Children

Squint, or strabismus, is often noticeable in children from an early age, with one eye not aligning straight ahead. In milder cases, the squint may be less apparent.

During infancy and the newborn stage, occasional cross-eyed appearance, particularly when fatigued, is not necessarily indicative of a squint. Parents should consult a doctor to confirm. A child closing one eye or tilting their head while focusing could signal double vision and potentially point to a squint. Seeking medical advice is advisable in such cases. Strabismus typically emerges either at birth or manifests after the first three months of life.


Lazy Eye (Amblyopia)

If left untreated, squint can result in amblyopia, commonly referred to as "lazy eye," where the brain begins to disregard signals from one eye. The brain's mechanism of ignoring one eye is a protective measure against double vision. When impaired vision is present in the affected eye, a child may benefit from wearing an eye patch. This encourages the development of visual abilities. Occasionally, a squint successfully treated during childhood may reappear in adulthood.

This recurrence can lead to double vision in adulthood, as the brain has already been trained to process input from both eyes, precluding the option of ignoring one. Being vigilant about these signs and symptoms, seeking early medical intervention, and exploring appropriate treatments can significantly enhance visual health and overall well-being.


Underlying Causes

Strabismus, as evidenced by various sources, can stem from the following factors:


  • Congenital: It may be present from birth, indicating a congenital origin.
  • Hereditary: Strabismus can run in families, hinting at a genetic predisposition.
  • Injury, Illness, or Long-Sightedness: It can manifest as a consequence of injury, illness, or hyperopia (long-sightedness).
  • Cranial Nerve Lesion: A cranial nerve lesion can contribute to its development.
  • Hyperopic Refractive Error: Elevated hyperopic refractive error might prompt the affected eye to turn inward, attempting to achieve better focus.

Strabismus stemming from refractive errors tends to become noticeable later in life, typically around the age of 2 years or older. Furthermore, conditions like hydrocephalus, characterized by an accumulation of cerebrospinal fluid around the brain, have also been associated with strabismus.

Certain viral infections, including measles, have the potential to trigger strabismus. Additionally, specific genetic conditions like Noonan syndrome can contribute to its occurrence.


Diagnosis and Treatment Insights

Regular eye examinations during a child's developmental stages are essential. The American Optometric Association advises initiating eye tests at around 6 months of age, or even earlier if a constant eye turn is observed.
Upon detecting signs of strabismus, the child is typically referred to an ophthalmologist for further evaluation. The eye doctor may employ eye drops to dilate the pupils before conducting tests.

One of these diagnostic tests, the Hirschberg test or corneal reflex test, helps determine the presence of strabismus. By shining a light into the eyes and observing the reflection from the corneas, the doctor can identify deviations such as exotropia, hypertropia, esotropia, or hypotropia. It's worth noting that some individuals may exhibit multiple tropias simultaneously.

Effective treatment initiation is crucial to mitigate complications like amblyopia, or lazy eye. Timeliness significantly impacts treatment success, with younger patients generally responding more favorably.


What are the Various treatment modalities available?


  • Glasses: Glasses are often effective in addressing squints caused by hypermetropia (long-sightedness).
  • Botulinum Toxin Injection (Botox): Administered into an eye surface muscle, Botox weakens the muscle temporarily to aid proper eye alignment, especially when an underlying cause is not evident and symptoms are sudden.
  • Vision Therapy: This approach focuses on improving brain-eye coordination and enhancing muscle control to optimize focus.
  • Surgery: Reserved for cases where other treatments prove ineffective, surgery realigns the eyes and restores binocular vision. Surgeons reposition the eye-connected muscle, occasionally operating on both eyes to achieve balance.

However, while surgery can align the eyes physically, For complete vision restoration one might require a vision therapy program.

Vision Therapy

Vision therapy, encompassing eye exercises, is beneficial for those with intermittent strabismus. Although not a comprehensive treatment, it is particularly useful for specific cases. Ophthalmologists specialize in vision therapy and tailor approaches based on the strabismus type.


One common vision therapy exercise is the home-based pencil pushups (HBPP):

  • Hold a pencil midway between your eyes at arm's length.
  • Focus on the pencil while gradually moving it towards your nose, aiming for a singular image.
  • Continue moving until maintaining a single image is no longer feasible.
  • Identify the closest point where a singular image can be sustained.
  • If the single image is lost, begin again.

Performing this exercise for 15 minutes daily over six weeks found that it rivaled office-based orthoptic therapy in effectiveness.

The detailed management of strabismus involves accurate diagnosis, prompt treatment, and tailored interventions, ensuring optimal vision and well-being.


Why Opt for Squint Eye Surgery at Felix Hospital?

Choose Felix Hospital for Squint Eye Surgery:


  • Specialized Surgeons: Benefit from experienced surgeons with expertise in squint eye surgery.
  • Personalized Consultations: Comprehensive assessments to determine the most suitable surgical approach.
  • Tailored Treatment: Customized plans utilizing advanced techniques to optimize outcomes.
  • Minimally Invasive Procedures: Embrace faster recovery through minimally invasive surgical methods.
  • Dedicated Recovery Care: Experience attentive care throughout the recovery phase.
  • Continued Support: Post-operative guidance and support for a successful healing journey.
  • Transparent Pricing: Competitive and transparent pricing for accessible healthcare.
  • Quality at Affordable Cost: Access high-quality care without compromising affordability.

Reach out to Felix Hospital today to explore squint eye surgery options and personalized patient care.


Discover your vision transformation with Squint Eye Surgery at Felix Hospital. Our skilled surgeons offer relief from discomfort and enhance visual alignment through squint eye surgery. Experience improved vision and self-confidence. While immediate results are apparent, it's important to acknowledge that swelling may subside and surgical effects may fade over several months. The enduring benefits are immeasurable. For details about squint eye surgery costs, please connect with us at +91 9667064100. The cost for squint eye surgery treatment at Felix Hospital is an investment in both vision and confidence, ensuring a brighter future ahead.

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