Fistulas are abnormal connections or passageways that form between two organs or vessels in the body. They can occur in various places, like between the intestines and the skin or between blood vessels. Their treatment is important because fistulas can cause serious complications, such as infection, pain, and difficulty in digestion or urination.

At Felix Hospital, we prioritize compassionate care for fistula treatment, offering advanced laser surgery in Noida for optimal patient outcomes.

Book your appointment now at +91 9667064100.


What is fistula?

A fistula is like an abnormal tunnel that forms between two parts inside your body, like organs or blood vessels. It's not supposed to be there and can cause problems like pain or infections. So, getting it treated is important to help you feel better and stay healthy.

How Does Fistula looks Like?

Fistulas themselves aren't visible from the outside because they're internal tunnels between organs or tissues. However, they can cause symptoms like swelling, redness, or drainage of pus or fluid from the skin surface where they connect. So, while you can't see the fistula itself, you might notice signs of its presence on the skin or experience other related symptoms.

Can Fistulas Cause Complications?

When untreated fistulas can cause problems. They might lead to infections, pain, or trouble with bodily functions like digestion and urination. So, it's important to get them checked by any reputed healthcare provider like Felix Hospital in Noida, to prevent any complications.

Types Of Fistula: 

Fistulas can be of different types depending on where they are in the body. These includes;

Anorectal Fistula:
An anorectal fistula is like a tiny tunnel that forms between the inside of the anus or rectum and the skin around the anus. It usually happens because of an abscess, which is a painful collection of pus in that area. 

Arteriovenous Fistula:
An arteriovenous fistula is when an unusual link forms between an artery and a vein. People often get this through surgery, especially those needing dialysis because of kidney problems. Sometimes, it can happen without any surgery too.

Enterocutaneous Fistula:
An enterocutaneous fistula is like a pathway that connects the intestine to the skin on your body. With this condition, stuff from your intestines can come out through an opening in your skin.

Vesicovaginal and Rectovaginal Fistulas:
A vesicovaginal fistula is when there's a direct link between the bladder and the vagina, which can make you pee involuntarily.
On the other hand, a rectovaginal fistula connects the rectum to the vagina, causing stool to leak out. These problems often happen because of issues during childbirth, pelvic surgery, or radiation treatment.

Gastrointestinal Fistula:
A gastrointestinal fistula is like a bridge that forms between different parts of your digestive system. With this condition, there are abnormal connections between your stomach, small intestine, large intestine, or other organs in your belly.

Tracheoesophageal Fistula:
A tracheoesophageal fistula is like a small tunnel that joins the windpipe (trachea) to the food pipe (oesophagus). Sometimes, people are born with this condition, but it can also happen because of an injury or an illness.

Symptoms The You might Have Fistula:

The symptoms of fistulas can vary from person to person, depending on the type and location of the fistula, as well as individual health factors. However, there are some common signs that many people may experience. These symptoms may include;

  • Pain
  • Swelling
  • Discharge of pus or feces.
  • Fever
  • Urinary incontinence
  • Stool leakage.
  • Abnormal drainage of intestinal contents
  • Choking
  • Coughing
  • Respiratory problem

Causes of Fistula: 

Here are some common causes of fistulas explained:

Infections: When there's an infection in the body, it can create tunnels between organs or to the skin.
Injuries: If someone gets hurt, especially in the abdomen or pelvic area, it might lead to a fistula forming as a part of the healing process.
Surgery: Sometimes, surgeries in the belly or around the anus can accidentally create fistulas.
Inflammation: Conditions like Crohn's disease or diverticulitis, which cause inflammation in the digestive tract, can also increase the risk of fistulas.
Cancer: Certain types of cancer, especially those affecting the digestive system or reproductive organs, can cause fistulas to develop.

Common Risk Factors Associated With Fistula:

If you have a fistula, you may be at risk for the following complications:

  • Infection
  • Abscess formation.
  • Fistula recurrence
  • Fecal or urinary incontinence
  • Pain and discomfort

Pain And Discomfort

But no need to worry! With proper care and treatment, and advice from trusted healthcare providers like Felix Hospital in Noida, you can overcome these complications confidently.

Diagnosis And Tests:

Diagnosis and tests for fistula typically involve a combination of medical history review, physical examination, and imaging studies. Here's an overview:

1. Medical History Review: The doctor will ask about your symptoms, such as pain, drainage, swelling, and any previous treatments or surgeries related to the affected area.
2. Physical Examination: The doctor will perform a physical examination to assess the affected area for signs of a fistula, including swelling, redness, tenderness, and presence of drainage.
3. Imaging Studies:

  • Fistulogram: This imaging test involves injecting a contrast dye into the fistula tract, followed by X-rays to visualize the fistula and identify its location and extent.
  • Ultrasound: An ultrasound may be used to evaluate the area and determine the size, location, and course of the fistula tract.
  • MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging): MRI can provide detailed images of the soft tissues and help identify the fistula tract, as well as any associated abscesses or complications.

4. Endoscopy: In cases of gastrointestinal or genitourinary fistulas, an endoscopy may be performed to directly visualize the internal structures and identify the fistula opening.
5. Blood Tests: Blood tests may be conducted to check for signs of infection or inflammation, such as elevated white blood cell count or C-reactive protein levels.
6. Biopsy: In some cases, a tissue biopsy may be necessary to rule out other conditions or confirm the diagnosis, especially if cancer is suspected.
If you're looking for the best laser fistula surgery hospital in Noida, consider a facility with expertise in diagnosing and treating fistulas. The specific tests you need will be based on the suspected location and cause of the fistula, as well as individual patient factors.

Treatment Options For Fistula:

Treatment options for fistulas depend on several factors including the location, size, and underlying cause of the fistula. Common treatment options include:

Medications: Antibiotics can tackle infections, while drugs like immunosuppressants help with conditions like Crohn's disease, which can lead to fistulas.
Surgery: Often needed to close the fistula tract, surgery methods include cutting it open (fistulotomy), removing it (fistulectomy), or placing a seton to aid healing.
Biological Therapy: Drugs like infliximab or adalimumab may treat conditions like Crohn's, which can cause fistulas.
Laser Treatment: Sometimes used to close fistulas, especially in cases linked to conditions like Crohn's.
Stem Cell Therapy: Investigated for healing fistulas, particularly in conditions like Crohn's.

Choosing the right treatment depends on factors like how severe the fistula is and the patient's other health issues. Patients should collaborate closely with their healthcare providers to find the best plan for their situation. For those seeking the best laser fistula surgery hospital in Noida, Felix Hospital is a reputable option to consider.

Fistula Surgery Treatment Cost In Noida:

The cost of fistula surgery treatment in Noida can vary depending on factors such as the hospital, surgeon's fees, anaesthesia charges, and post-operative care. On average, Laser fistula treatment Cost in Noida could range from INR 55,000 to INR 90,000 or more. It's advisable to consult with a healthcare provider or hospital directly for precise pricing information and to inquire about any potential financial assistance or insurance coverage.

Factors Affecting Fistula Surgery Cost In Noida:

The factors affecting the cost of fistula surgery may vary in different locations. However here are some of the factors that can affect the cost of fistula surgery treatment in Noida:

Hospital Reputation and Facilities: A renowned hospital with advanced facilities tends to charge higher fees due to the quality of care and amenities provided to patients.

Surgeon's Expertise and Experience: Surgeons with extensive experience and a successful track record may command higher fees for their specialized skills and proficiency in handling complex cases.

Type and Severity of Fistula: The severity of the fistula condition significantly impact the complexity of the surgical procedure, thereby influencing the cost.

Diagnostic Tests and Preoperative Evaluation: Comprehensive diagnostic tests and thorough preoperative evaluations are necessary to assess the patient's condition accurately, potentially increasing the overall cost of treatment.

Anaesthesia Charges: The type of anaesthesia administered and its duration during the surgery contribute to anaesthesia charges, which can vary based on patient requirements and preferences.

Postoperative Care: The provision of postoperative care, including medications, follow-up appointments, and any additional support needed during the recovery period, adds to the total cost of treatment.

Insurance Coverage: The extent of insurance coverage varies depending on the policy and provider, with some plans covering a portion of the medical expenses, thereby reducing the out-of-pocket costs for patients.

Location: Hospitals situated in bustling urban areas or regions with higher living costs often have higher overhead expenses, which may be reflected in the pricing of medical services.

Signs That You Should  Consult A Doctor:

If you're experiencing any of the following symptoms, it's crucial to consider consulting a doctor, especially if they persist or worsen over time. These signs may indicate the presence of a fistula that requires medical attention to prevent complications and ensure proper treatment.

  • Persistent pain or discomfort in the anal or rectal area
  • Presence of a lump or swelling near the anus
  • Recurrent abscesses or drainage of pus from the anal region
  • Difficulty with bowel movements, such as constipation or diarrhea, accompanied by bleeding.
  • Persistent itching, irritation, or burning sensation around the anal area.
  • Foul-smelling discharge or blood in stool
  • Changes in bowel habits, including urgency or incontinence.
  • Fever or chills, which may indicate an infection associated with the fistula.
  • Any other concerning symptoms related to the anal or rectal region that persist or worsen over time.


In summary, fistula surgery serves as a ray of hope for individuals facing the difficulties associated with this condition. Thanks to expert surgical care, people can regain their quality of life, released from the physical and emotional hardships caused by fistulas. With ongoing advancements in medical technology and the dedication of compassionate healthcare providers, the path to healing and recovery unfolds, bringing renewed hope for a brighter and healthier tomorrow.

Felix Hospital, the premier Laser Fistula Surgery Hospital in Noida, delivers unparalleled treatment, blending expertise, technology, and compassionate care for optimal patient outcomes. Book your appointment now at +919667064100.
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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):

1. What is fistula surgery?
Fistula surgery involves repairing abnormal connections between organs or tissues, commonly occurring in the rectum, anus, or vagina.

2. How long does fistula surgery take?
The duration of fistula surgery varies depending on the complexity of the fistula. It can range from 30 minutes to several hours.

3. Is fistula surgery painful?
While discomfort is common after surgery, pain is usually managed with medications. Most patients report improved comfort as they heal.

4. How much does laser fistula treatment cost in Noida?
The laser fistula treatment cost in Noida can vary depending on factors such as the hospital, surgeon's fees, anaesthesia, and any additional medical services required. It's best to contact hospitals directly for accurate pricing information.

5. How long is the recovery period after fistula surgery?
Recovery time varies but typically ranges from a few weeks to a couple of months. It depends on factors such as the type of surgery performed and individual healing capacity.

6. How can I find the best treatment for fistula surgery near me in Noida?
For the best fistula surgery treatment in Noida, consider Felix Hospital. Research their expertise, seek recommendations, evaluate facilities, and consult specialists for personalized care and successful outcomes.

7. What dietary restrictions should be followed after fistula surgery?
Patients are usually advised to follow a soft diet initially, gradually transitioning to a regular diet as tolerated. Adequate hydration is also important for healing.

8. Will I need to follow up with the surgeon after fistula surgery?
Yes, regular follow-up appointments are necessary to monitor healing, address any concerns, and ensure the success of the surgery.

9. Can fistula surgery affect bowel movements?
Initially, there may be changes in bowel movements as the body adjusts to the surgery. However, most patients eventually return to normal bowel habits.

10. What should I do if I experience complications after fistula surgery?
It's important to contact your surgeon immediately if you experience any unusual symptoms such as severe pain, fever, or excessive bleeding. Prompt medical attention can help address complications effectively.


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