Erectile Dysfunction

Erectile Dysfunction is defined as the inability of a man achieving an erection during sexual activity. This state is also known as Impotency.


Prevention of Erectile Dysfunction:

  • Exercise regularly
  • Stay away from things/people which causes stress
  • Limit smoking, alcohol intake
  • Do medical check-up regularly like cholesterol, BP levels etc
  • Eat healthy and balanced diet


Symptoms of Erectile Dysfunction:

  • Reduction in sexual desire of an individual
  • Trouble in getting erection
  • Trouble in keeping an erection for a longer duration


There are many reasons both physical and psychological causes which can lead to erectile dysfunction.

Physical Causes Psychological Causes
High Cholesterol level Stress
High Blood Pressure Depression
Clogged Blood Vessels Anxiety
Diabetes Relationship problem
Heart Disease Any other mental condition
Excess Smoking  
High intake of Alcohol  
Metabolic Syndrome  
Sleep Disorder