When it comes to your vision, finding the right macular degeneration treatment is paramount. If you're considering treatments to address this eye condition, Noida offers a range of options to explore. From lifestyle adjustments to advanced medical interventions, macular degeneration treatment aims to preserve and enhance your eyesight. By partnering with experienced retina specialists, you can navigate the available treatments, understand potential outcomes, and make informed decisions about your eye health. Embark on a journey toward clearer vision and improved quality of life.

Book your consultation with us today with a simple click or call us at   +91 9667064100

Macular degeneration surgery cost in Noida at Felix Hospital is not only affordable but is also recognized for its modern medical facilities and expert retina specialists, making it a sought-after destination for macular degeneration treatment. The cost of macular degeneration treatment in Noida is competitive, ensuring that you receive top-notch care without straining your finances. Whether you require injections, laser therapy, or other interventions, Noida provides access to quality treatments that can significantly impact your vision and overall well-being.


Understanding Macular Degeneration Surgery Costs

The cost of macular degeneration treatment can vary based on factors such as the specific procedure, the complexity of your case, hospital amenities, specialist fees, and post-treatment care. Here's an estimated cost breakdown:


Starting Cost₹2,60,000
Average Cost₹5,00,000 and 7,00,000
Maximum Cost₹10,00,000

Explore cost-effective solutions for macular degeneration surgery cost in Noida at Felix Hospital in Noida. We understand the importance of providing exceptional retinal care while ensuring affordability. Our team of skilled retina specialists and dedicated staff is committed to delivering outstanding treatment that meets your budgetary needs. Embark on your journey toward a clearer vision with confidence, knowing that you're receiving the best care possible.


Discover the possibilities of advanced macular degeneration Surgery cost in Noida at Felix Hospital. Dial +91 9667064100 to explore a brighter and clearer vision ahead!


Understanding Different Macular Degeneration Surgery Cost and treatment options

  • Anti-VEGF Injections: These injections, which target abnormal blood vessel growth in the retina, are a standard treatment for macular degeneration. The cost for Macular degeneration Surgery per injection can range from approximately INR 35,000 to 70,000.
  • Laser Photocoagulation: Laser therapy is employed to seal leaking blood vessels in the retina, managing macular degeneration. The Macular degeneration surgery cost for laser photocoagulation starts from around INR 20,000.
  • Photodynamic Therapy (PDT): PDT involves injecting a light-activated drug followed by laser treatment to eliminate abnormal blood vessels. The macular degeneration surgery cost for PDT treatment begins at approximately INR 40,000.
  • Implantable Miniature Telescope (IMT): In certain cases, IMT surgery can enhance central vision for individuals with macular degeneration. The cost for macular degeneration surgery involving IMT starts from approximately INR 300,000.
  • Nutritional Supplements: Certain vitamins and minerals in supplement form can support macular health. Costs for macular degeneration treatment involving supplements vary and can start from around INR 1,500 per month.
  • Gene Therapy: Experimental gene therapies aiming to halt disease progression are being explored. The cost for macular degeneration surgery involving gene therapy treatments can vary widely based on factors like research phase and availability.
  • Low Vision Aids: Devices like magnifiers and telescopic lenses can aid individuals with advanced macular degeneration. Costs vary depending on the specific aid and customization.

It's important to note that these costs are approximate and can vary based on factors such as the specific medical facility, specialist fees, geographic location, and individual patient requirements, including the cost for macular degeneration surgery. For a precise cost estimate tailored to your unique situation, it is recommended to consult with an experienced ophthalmologist or retinal specialist. Empower yourself with knowledge and expert guidance as you embark on a journey to preserve and enhance your visual health.


Unveil a clearer vision with our cutting-edge macular degeneration treatment. Contact us at +91 9667064100 to embark on your journey towards improved eyesight, courtesy of Felix Hospital.


Factors affecting the cost of macular degeneration treatment

The cost of macular degeneration surgery can vary widely based on several factors. It's important to consider these factors when estimating the overall cost of treatment:

  • Type of Treatment: Different treatment modalities are available for macular degeneration, including anti-VEGF injections, laser therapy, photodynamic therapy (PDT), surgical interventions, gene therapy, and more. The specific treatment chosen will significantly impact the overall cost.
  • Treatment Frequency: Some treatments, such as anti-VEGF injections, may require regular sessions over an extended period. The frequency of treatment sessions can influence the total cost.
  • Severity and Stage of Macular Degeneration: The stage and severity of macular degeneration can determine the complexity of the treatment required and may impact the overall cost.
  • Choice of Medical Facility: The reputation, location, and facilities of the medical facility where the treatment is performed can influence the cost. Leading hospitals and specialized eye clinics may have higher charges.
  • Specialist's Fees: The experience, expertise, and reputation of the ophthalmologist or retinal specialist performing the treatment can affect the cost. Highly skilled specialists may charge higher fees.
  • Geographic Location: The cost of healthcare services can vary significantly based on the city or region where the treatment is sought. Larger metropolitan areas might have higher costs compared to smaller towns.
  • Hospitalization and Ancillary Services: If the treatment requires hospitalization or additional services such as anesthesia, operating room facilities, or diagnostic tests, these factors can contribute to the overall cost.
  • Diagnostic and Imaging Tests: Some treatments may require diagnostic tests such as OCT (optical coherence tomography) scans or fluorescein angiography. These tests can add to the overall cost.
  • Medications and Supplies: The cost of medications, surgical supplies, and other consumables necessary for the treatment can impact the final expenses.
  • Follow-Up Care: Post-treatment follow-up visits and ongoing monitoring are essential for the management of macular degeneration. The frequency and duration of these visits can influence the overall cost for Macular degeneration Surgery.
  • Insurance Coverage: The extent of insurance coverage, whether through private insurance or government health schemes, can affect the out-of-pocket expenses for the patient.
  • Research and Clinical Trials: Participation in clinical trials or experimental treatments may have varying costs depending on the research phase and availability.
  • Patient-Specific Factors: Individual patient factors, such as age, overall health, and the presence of other medical conditions, can impact the treatment approach and cost.

It's advisable to have a detailed consultation with a qualified ophthalmologist or retinal specialist to understand the specific factors that will influence the cost of macular degeneration treatment in your case. This will help you make an informed decision and plan for the financial aspects of your treatment journey.

Your path to enhanced vision begins with our comprehensive macular degeneration treatment. Connect with us at +91 9667064100 and witness the potential benefits, proudly offered by Felix Hospital.


Is Macular degeneration surgery cost covered under insurance?

In India, the cost of macular degeneration treatment under health insurance plans can vary based on the specific insurance policy and the terms and conditions set by the insurance provider. Here are some points to consider:


  • Health Insurance Coverage: Macular degeneration treatment is typically covered under major medical health insurance plans rather than vision health insurance plans. Health insurance policies in India generally provide coverage for medical treatments, including those related to eye diseases like macular degeneration.
  • Policy Inclusions and Exclusions: The coverage for macular degeneration treatment will depend on the specific inclusions and exclusions mentioned in the health insurance policy. It's important to review the policy document carefully to understand what treatments and conditions are covered.
  • Pre-Existing Conditions: Some health insurance policies may have a waiting period for pre-existing conditions, including macular degeneration. This means that treatment for macular degeneration may be covered only after a certain waiting period has elapsed since the policy's commencement.
  • Network Hospitals: Health insurance plans often have a network of empaneled hospitals and healthcare providers. It's advisable to receive treatment at a network hospital to avail of cashless services. Check if the hospitals where you plan to receive treatment for macular degeneration are part of the insurance provider's network.
  • Claim Process: If you receive treatment for macular degeneration at a non-network hospital, you may need to follow the reimbursement claim process. This involves submitting the necessary documents and bills to the insurance company for reimbursement.
  • Sub-limits and Sum Insured: Some health insurance policies may have sub-limits on specific treatments, including eye-related treatments. Additionally, the total sum insured (coverage limit) of your policy will also determine the extent of coverage available for macular degeneration treatment.
  • Policy Renewal: Make sure to keep your health insurance policy active and renew it on time to ensure continued coverage for macular degeneration treatment and other medical needs.

Elevate your visual experience through our specialized macular degeneration treatment, and gain insight into the potential cost for macular degeneration surgery. Reach us at +91 9667064100 to learn more and embrace a brighter future with Felix Hospital.


What is Macular Degeneration? 

Age-Related Macular Degeneration (AMD) is a progressive eye disease affecting the macula, the central region of the retina. It leads to the loss of central vision while peripheral vision remains unaffected. Typically occurring in individuals aged 50 and above, AMD is a significant cause of vision impairment among the elderly. 

There are two main types of AMD: dry and wet

  • Dry AMD (Atrophic AMD): 

Dry AMD is the more common form of macular degeneration, accounting for approximately 90% of cases. It occurs when small, yellowish deposits called drusen accumulate under the macula, the central part of the retina responsible for sharp central vision. As drusen build up, they can lead to thinning and deterioration of the macular tissue. This process gradually impairs central vision, making it challenging to read, recognize faces, or see fine details. The progression of dry AMD is typically slower than wet AMD, and while it may cause vision loss, many individuals retain some level of central vision.


  • Wet AMD (Neovascular AMD):

Wet AMD is a more aggressive and severe form of the disease, although it accounts for a smaller percentage of cases. It occurs when abnormal blood vessels begin to grow beneath the macula. These new blood vessels are fragile and can leak blood and fluid, leading to sudden and significant damage to the macula. This can result in rapid and severe central vision loss. People with wet AMD may experience distorted vision, where straight lines appear wavy or crooked. Immediate medical intervention is crucial for wet AMD to prevent further damage and preserve vision.

Signs and Symptoms of Macular Degeneration Surgery:

  • Reduced Low-Light Vision: People with AMD often require brighter lighting for reading or close tasks due to decreased light sensitivity.
  • Blurred Vision: The gradual blurring of central vision, which can affect tasks like recognizing faces or reading.
  • Visual Distortion: Straight lines may appear wavy or distorted, leading to difficulties in perceiving the environment accurately.
  • Dark or Blurry Spots: Patients may experience dark spots or whiteouts in the central field of vision, impacting visual clarity.
  • Change in Color Perception: Altered color perception can occur, affecting the ability to discern colors accurately.

Treatment Approaches:

  • Anti-Angiogenic Drugs: These drugs are injected into the eyes to inhibit the growth of abnormal blood vessels that characterize wet AMD. They help prevent vessel leakage and further damage.
  • Laser Therapy: High-energy laser light can be used to destroy abnormal blood vessels, particularly in cases of wet AMD.
  • Photodynamic Laser Therapy: This two-step treatment involves injecting a light-sensitive drug that targets abnormal blood vessels. A laser is then directed to activate the drug, causing damage to the abnormal vessels.
  • Submacular Surgery: Surgical removal of abnormal blood vessels or scar tissue from beneath the macula can help preserve vision.
  • Retinal Translocation: In this procedure, the macular center is rotated away from abnormal vessels, and laser treatment is applied without harming the macula.
  • Low Vision Aids: Magnifying lenses, glasses, or other optical devices can enhance visual acuity and assist with daily tasks.
  • Nutritional Supplements: Vitamin and mineral supplements, such as those recommended by the AREDS and AREDS2 studies, can slow the progression of dry AMD and reduce the risk of severe vision loss.

Eligibility for Treatment: Individuals with AMD, especially those over 50, should:

  • Monitor Symptoms: Regularly assess changes in vision, including blurred or distorted vision, and promptly seek medical attention for sudden vision changes or significant deterioration.
  • Consult an Eye Specialist: If symptoms suggest AMD, consult an ophthalmologist for a comprehensive eye examination.
  • Testing and Referral: If AMD is suspected, the ophthalmologist may conduct tests such as Amsler grid tests, dilated eye exams, or OCT scans to confirm the diagnosis and recommend appropriate treatment.



  • Effectiveness Varies: Treatment outcomes can differ based on factors like the type and stage of AMD, as well as an individual's overall health.
  • Regular Eye Exams: Periodic eye check-ups are essential to monitor AMD progression and adjust treatment plans accordingly.
  • Multifaceted Approach: Combining different treatment modalities may be necessary to address the complexity of AMD and optimize visual outcomes.

Prevention and Lifestyle:

  • Healthy Lifestyle Choices: Maintaining a healthy weight, managing blood pressure and cholesterol, and avoiding smoking can help reduce the risk of AMD.
  • Nutrition: Consuming a diet rich in antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals can support eye health and potentially delay the onset or progression of AMD.
  • Sun Protection: Wearing sunglasses with UV protection and a wide-brimmed hat when outdoors can help shield the eyes from harmful ultraviolet rays.

Why Choose Felix Hospital for Macular Degeneration Treatment?

  • Expert Ophthalmologists: Skilled specialists in macular degeneration treatment.
  • Cutting-Edge Technology: Advanced tools like OCT and anti-VEGF therapies.
  • Customized Approach: Tailored treatment plans for individual needs.
  • Multidisciplinary Team: Collaboration with retina surgeons, nutritionists, and more.
  • Innovation: Dedicated to staying updated with the latest advancements.
  • Patient-Centric Care: Focus on your comfort, understanding, and well-being.
  • Proven Success: Positive outcomes and patient testimonials.
  • Convenient Location: Easily accessible for stress-free treatment.
  • Affordable Pricing: Quality care without compromising on value.

In Conclusion

Embark on a Journey of Vision Restoration with Macular Degeneration Treatment at Felix Hospital. Our dedicated team of ophthalmologists strives to slow disease progression and alleviate symptoms, providing you with an improved quality of life. While initial improvements may be observed, it's essential to recognize that optimal results may develop gradually. The long-lasting positive impact on your vision and well-being is truly priceless. To learn more about our comprehensive macular degeneration treatment and its potential benefits, reach out to us at +91 9667064100. Embrace the prospect of a clearer and brighter visual horizon!

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