Noida's Leading Dentists

Meet Noida's Leading Dentists at Felix Hospital

Dentistry is a vital branch of healthcare that focuses on maintaining the health and well-being of teeth, gums, and t

Worst Food for Your Teeth According to a Dentist

Worst Food for Your Teeth According to a Dentist

A healthy smile is a reflection of overall well-being, and what you eat plays a significant role in maintaining good

What is Root Canal Treatment

रूट कैनाल ट्रीटमेंट (Root Canal Treatment) : प्रक्रिया, सावधानी, उपचार

दांत में दर्द आम है। बच्चों से लेकर बूढ़े तक दांत में दर्द हो सकता  है। दांत में दर्द के कारण खाना, पीना, उठने-ब

Dental Braces Cost in Noida

Decoding the Dental Braces Cost in Noida

At Felix Hospital, we offer comprehensive orthodontic services, including dental braces, t

Tooth Implant Cost in Noida

Decoding the Tooth Implant Cost in Noida

Are you troubled by unsightly warts on your skin?

Clear aligners in hindi

नोएडा में बेस्ट क्लियर टीथ अलाइनर्स

क्लियर अलाइनर्स (Clear aligners in hindi) क्या है?

क्लियर अलाइनर्स (Clear aligners in hindi), यानि इनविजिबल

Root Canal Treatment Cost in Noida

Decoding Root Canal Treatment Cost in Noida

A captivating smile is a beautiful composition, where each tooth harmoniously plays its part.

How to identify if you have bad breath

How to Identify If You Have Bad Breath?

Nobody likes to know that they smell bad. And people generally do not tell you if you smell bad.

8 Ways To Teach Your Kids The Importance Of Brushing Their Teeth

8 Ways To Teach Your Kids The Importance Of Brushing Their Teeth

Do you know, in India, 50% of students suffer from dental issues, while 27% of students have cavities, as per the stu
